This blog project is dedicated to convincing people to be organic. However, I find it necessary to provide to the readers the other side of story. Of course, it is up to the viewer what they choose to eat. This post is not meant to rebel against this blogging project. It is equally important to view the argument of the opposition. But they do bring up some interesting points worthy of discussion.
WARNING!!! This does have foul language!!!
If you would like to avoid the language, here's the list of the points they make.
- Organic crops require more acreage than nonorganic.
- Organic foods do contain pesticides as well.
- 20% of our organic food is from CHINA. And there's no regulation of labelling where organic food is from.
- The American Cancer Society stated there's no evidence that pesticide residue can cause any type of cancer.
- Organic food doesn't contain more nutrients than nonorganic.
- If the world completely switched to organic farming, then 2-3 billion people would die of starvation.
Watch or Die.