While browsing some daily news, Found this article about many farmers from Penn State University are trying to chanhge their ways. They're changing their ways are in the farmer's world. They are experimenting in various methods and healthier more effective ways of farming organically. Organic milk is one of the fastest growing markets and Organic food is rapidayll increasing as Americans are begining to favor that over many chemically, and engenieered foods. Read more here about the process these farmers are taking.
Although they came across a few problems with the organic farming I believe in general they can work out the problems and it'll be better for more people in the long run! Due to the fact Organic farming uses no chemicals the weed and bugs are harder to cnotrol, but that means the crops and vegetable like corn, grain, etc. haven't been affected by unhealthy bichemicals.
Support the Orgnaic Food Market and look in your local markets for organic products, They ARE EVERYWHERE NOW:)
-Diana Soloaga
This sounds really cool! I am trying to convince my parents to let us buy organic and local foods for the most part:)
This study sounds very interesting. I hope they can fix the problems. I want to start eating organic and local foods and this shows that organic is becoming more popular.
Good info, but you have some typos to correct before the world sees!! Thanks for the post!